Visepresident hos CNBC, som er invitert til Davos 2023 årsmøte, ville ikke filmes av uavhengig journalist fra Rebel News og truet med å “slå ut” journalisten. CNBC ønsker altså ikke fri tale til verdens befolkning og definitivt ikke å rapportere hva som blir sagt under Davos-møtet.
Fra Rebel News:
Do you see how this works?
So instead of asking questions of the globalist elites, CNBC was really just an official promoter of the globalist elites. Comcast paid for them to be there — hundreds of thousands of dollars, to get an official WEF pavilion.
So I asked Patrick Allen about that. I mean, how can you report on the WEF if you’re part of the WEF?
At first, Allen was just rude and threatened to have me “escorted off by security”.
But when he thought I couldn’t hear him, he went further, didn’t he?
“This guy is going to get punched out… for taking pictures.”
That’s a pretty crazy thing for a journalist to say.
Avi Yemini
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