Hans K. Gaarder er utdannet siviløkonom og svært tverrfaglig av legning og mest interessert i det som ikke har med økonomi å gjøre.
Hans har arbeidet i mange år med etterforskning i det offentlige og med fri og uavhengig forskning i privat regi. Er frontlinjeforsker på skjulte maktstrukturer, utenomjordisk liv og helse (Teoretisk Fysiologi og vaksiner).
1 Comment
Heard the word mention here and there just vaguely I read this article and is in a state of shock or is this a conspiracy to fool readers But with all the globalist persons turned up in politics including the norwegian gouvernment and the royal family the 2030 agenda I started to get suspicious of the whole climate change and all the mafioso projects Acer etc
It’s quite worrisome to me but seems to fit in with the UN EU Where we slowly are beeing destroyed as free nations
GB give me some hope See how it works out
Thank you for making this article public
Heard the word mention here and there just vaguely I read this article and is in a state of shock or is this a conspiracy to fool readers But with all the globalist persons turned up in politics including the norwegian gouvernment and the royal family the 2030 agenda I started to get suspicious of the whole climate change and all the mafioso projects Acer etc
It’s quite worrisome to me but seems to fit in with the UN EU Where we slowly are beeing destroyed as free nations
GB give me some hope See how it works out
Thank you for making this article public